CELLDIAG user for Exadata

I was doing some tasks off from my task list and one of the things exachk highlighted was that we should create user CELLDIAG on cells. Beginning with Exadata Storage Server Software version, the storage server user “CELLDIAG” is created during deployment which allows access to diagnostics without using a more privileged user. The…

Automated exachk

I was speaking in December at UKOUG Tech’16 and attended Andy Colvin‘s session on “5 Quick Tips for Exadata Administrators”. Andy mentioned that it’s possible to automate your exachk which sounds really good idea. We have run it earlier on a semi-frequent schedule but always manually. Wouldn’t it be good to run it for example every…

Exadata, Oracle eBS and exachk

Nice feature which I wasn’t aware earlier is that when you run exachk for your Exadata it has eBS specific section as well. So not all content is related to Exadata or databases. There are million posts about exachk so I won’t go into details on it but exachk is as per Oracle: Oracle ORAchk and…