OCI Transit Networking DNS part 1

First of all, big thanks for my colleagues Rob and Travis for giving me some good ideas on this post! I usually recommend Transit Networking for most of the implementations as it provides security and scalability for your OCI infrastructure. Transit networking means one of your VCN acts as a Hub and the other VCNs…

OCI Private DNS part 1 – Configuration

I’ve wanted to write something about this topic for quite a while and finally OCI has released it’s first step of Private DNS capabilities! Why do I think this is a big thing? For example let’s say you need to have Hub & Spoke model with multiple VCNs, if you’ve wanted to resolve hostnames between…

Use case for Network Security Groups in OCI

So a while back OCI got NSGs (Network Security Groups) but most what I still see with implementations is that people tend to use Security Lists. Remember Security Lists are applied on subnet level while NSGs are applied to VNICs. I recently got following dilemma on tenancy created a while back. Challenge All the subnets…