I recently got a requirement to get all Cloud Guard recipes and their rule risk levels printed out. I could go and get them one by one from the Console but thought it’s doable via OCI CLI. Looking the CLI command reference, there are two commands that are required: “oci cloud-guard detector-recipe list” which will…
OCI CLI scripting fun – bulk deleting Vault secrets
Probably this post as such isn’t useful to many, but I figured since it contains some OCI CLI scripting it might serve as an idea to something else for someone. Recently I got a bunch of OCI Vault keys which had to be loaded to OCI Vault. What happened is of course the load didn’t…
OCI Linux and opening firewall ports with bootstrap
This is just a short post but something I was struggling to figure out. I wanted to open port 80 while starting up OCI Linux 7.8 instance and was using cloud-init portion what you have in the advanced section when creating a compute instance. Initially I had this in the bootstrap configuration: But no matter…
Use OCI Notification Service to get informed on your Autonomous Database scaling events
This post will be mainly about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notification Service, the Autonomous Database scaling is just used to demonstrate what you can do with the notification service. So what is Notification Service? It’s a service where you can create different topics where you publish messages to set of subscribers. Depending on your configuration you…